Our Charity Foundation


JW Harris association runs a charity to support and educate underprivileged young children that cannot afford to get educated. The charity foundation was established keeping in mind the grave situation of the country. 

Among its other devastating effects on the country, the civil war left countless children orphaned. These children were left to live a life of extreme harshness without any way out of the situation in sight. Education proves to be life-changing( even life-saving for some) for such children. Education provides these children a way out of their immediate miserable and hopeless circumstances. Through education, the same helpless children can be transformed into leaders that not only go on to forge a good life for themselves but for the others in need as members of their community.

Thus, our charity foundation serves all the children by providing education without any discrimination. Be it upper class, middle class, or lower class we treat all of our students just the same. Our aim is to uplift our country and make Liberia prosper by taking care of the downtrodden and impoverished children of the country. We aim to provide these young minds with the necessary tools, through top-quality education, that are essential in developing them into changemakers which can change the nation for good. 

Because, to transform a nation, you have to transform a county,

To transform a county, you have to transform a community, and

To transform a community, you have to transform young minds.

J.W.Harris Association

We are committed to keeping in contact with as many JOSANIANS’s as possible.

Our Charity Foundation

Our Charity Foundation aims to look after the educational as well as the developmental needs of the children all around Africa.

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Support our charity foundation and together let's make this world a better place by serving and helping others.