Schools are one of the pillars of society on which any community can thrive and prosper. Schools help communities to prepare for their futures by shaping and developing the most important resource of a community- the children.
JW Harris Memorial School has two of our campuses in two different locations of Logan Town and Bonjour Community in the suburbs of Monrovia, Liberia. We are devoted to serving our community through all means possible.
J.W.Harris Association
We are committed to keeping in contact with as many JOSANIANS’s as possible.
Our Charity Foundation
Our Charity Foundation aims to look after the educational as well as the developmental needs of the children all around Africa.
Support Us
Support our charity foundation and together let's make this world a better place by serving and helping others.

Employment Opportunities
Our teaching and non-teaching staff are both recruited from the local community itself. This initiative serves both the families of our students as well the teachers by providing employment opportunities to the members of the community, and developing a sense of trust and harmony in the community. Among other things, our school timings make sure that the students spend the maximum time out of their waking hours inside the school campus. Measures like this make sure that the children of the community are engaged in the process of learning and growing and not in activities that are detrimental for both the students and the community as a whole.
Focus on Inculcating a Sense of Responsibility
We develop students into citizens and bring about positive changes in their sphere of influence which in turn reflects in their locality and finally the whole community. We focus on inculcating a sense of responsibility in our students so that they can be the future leaders and torchbearers that can take our community towards development and stability.